It appears The Bold and the Beautiful’s Matthew Atkinson (Thomas) snuck in a wedding yesterday. The actor shared an Instagram story featuring a photo of him holding his fiancée Brytnee Ratledge with some of his castmates nearby. In fact, they were so close that Kimberlin Brown (Sheila), Ashley Jones (Bridget), Scott Clifton (Liam) and supervising producer Casey Kasprzyk had the couple wrapped in their arms as the caption read: “Today is the big day! Wedding day!”
The post was taken from Brown’s page, where she announced that Atkinson planned to marry his bride-to-be on Thursday, November 9, and she couldn’t contain her excitement while feeling “so honored to share in your joy.”
Ratledge, who has since updated her last name to Atkinson on social media, also shared Instagram stories from the gorgeous outdoor wedding, as well as shots of other Bold & Beautiful castmates of her hubby’s celebrating their big day with Katherine Kelly Lang (Brooke) and Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (Steffy) smiling for the camera.
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Lang later shared some behind-the-scenes moments from the wedding when posting her congratulations to the couple. “We were so happy to be in beautiful Lake Tahoe to be a witness to your special union,” she expressed. “Wishing you all the best in life! You two are so amazing and such a wonderful couple! Love you lots!”
She also added, “Some more pics and fun at the wedding…”
On their wedding day, the new Mrs. Atkinson posted a shot of her and her husband kissing and a quote from the Song of Songs, “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine.” She went on to express, “I thank God for all the wrong turns and red lights, it all led me to you. You are living, breathing proof. I love you forever.”
They got engaged back in June, where Atkinson shared pics with his lady love, which highlighted her beautiful ring, and stated, “Living, breathing proof of God’s faithfulness.”
We send the couple our very best and wish them a lifetime full of love and happiness!
Meet some of the other Bold & Beautiful stars’ real-life partners in our photo gallery below.